Insert Em Dash In Word For Mac
Using the AutoFormat feature in Microsoft Word, you can create both an Em dash (—) and En dash (–) automatically by typing hyphens. Alternatively, you can insert these special characters using the Insert Symbol menu. You can also copy and paste the dashes from another document, such as a web page, into your Word document.
How do I insert an em dash via keyboard with non-numeric one on a windows laptop? I work for an online newswire and frequently work from home. I used to have a Mac, which had a keyboard shortcut for inserting em dashes (—) without having to open up the character map or copy and paste from the web. In Word 2011 for Mac, I used to be able to make an em-dash by doing Shift-Alt-Hyphen. I recently switched to Word 2016 for Mac, and at first that shortcut worked. But you are getting an underscore character in both instances, perhaps the Option key is not working.
TipIf AutoFormat is not enabled in your copy of Microsoft Word, see: How to enable and disable Microsoft Word AutoFormat feature.
Insert an Em dash using AutoFormat
If you do the following, AutoFormat will insert an Em dash (—) as you type.
In a Word document:
- Type a word, with no space after it.
- Type two hyphens, with no space between or after them.
- Type another word.
- Type a space.
For example, typing:
Will automatically format the line as:
When you press the spacebar after typing the example text above.
Insert an En dash using AutoFormat
If you do the following, AutoFormat will insert an En dash (–) as you type.
In a Word document:
- Type a word, with a space after it.
- Type a single hyphen, with a space after it.
- Type another word.
- Type a space.
For example, typing:
Automatically format the line to:
1993 – 1995
When you press the spacebar after typing the example text above.
Insert an Em or En dash using shortcut keys
To create an Em dash, use the shortcut key combination Ctrl+Alt+minus.
To create an En dash, use the shortcut key combination Ctrl+minus.
NoteNum Lock must be enabled and you need to use the minus key located on the numeric keypad.
Insert an Em or En dash using the Symbol menu
You can also insert a special dash using the Insert Symbol menu:
- In a Microsoft Word document, choose Insert in the Menu bar.
- Choose Symbol.
- Choose More Symbols.
- Click the characters you'd like to insert. The Em dash should be on the second row. To insert multiple characters, click them one at a time.
- When you're finished, click Close to close the special characters window.
If the En dash is not offered in your Symbol menu, you can still use another method to insert it.
Insert an Em or En dash using copy and paste
If all else fails, copy and paste the dash from another document, such as this page.
- Highlight the dash you want to insert:
Em dash: —
En dash: –
- Copy it. (Press Ctrl-C, or ⌘-C on a Mac)
- In your Word document, place the text cursor where you'd like the dash to go, and paste it. (Press Ctrl-V, or ⌘-V on a Mac)
Remove an Em or En dash
If your Word document has an Em dash or En dash and you want to remove it, do one of the following.
- Highlight the Em dash or En dash using your mouse, then press the Delete key.
- Place the text cursor after the Em dash or En dash, then press the Backspace key.
If you want to replace the Em dash or En dash with a normal hyphen, type the hyphen after removing the Em or En dash.
Additional information
- See our Em dash and En dash definitions for further information and related links.
Found this on another site..I went straight to #4 and it workedgreat.
There are at least four ways to do this in PowerPoint.
1) Cut and Paste
Select the current long dash, copy it (CTL + C) and then pasteit where
you want (CTL + V)
2) Auto Correct
The Kindle app gives users the ability to read eBooks on a beautiful, easy-to-use interface. Kindle for mac cannot sync. Shweta K., Keeps crashing; cannot use it at allThe Kindle app is super important for me because I prefer to buy a lot of my postgraduate coursework books on Kindle and make notes, highlight important passages etc.While the features seem great, there are pretty much pointless because this app on my macbook has been crashing a few seconds after I open it every single time.Note: I have now updated my Mac OS, removed the Kindle app and am reinstalling it in the hope that I will be able to use it. I will submit an updated feedback a few weeks from today.
Type 2 hyphens (-) then a space then any letter then a spacethen delete
back to the long dash. Auto correct will sense the double hyphenand
replace it with a long dash.
Istat menus review. They always get new update when new version come on the website. Many of Mac user write their best reviews for this menu setting program. There are new drop down menus and the new application icon standing here.
3) Insert Symbols
While in the text box, click on Insert => Symbol.. =>(font) Times New
Roman and look most of the way down the grid for the dash 3before the TM
4) Keyboard character shortcut
Press and hold the Alt key, then on the number pad type 0150 andrelease
the Alt key
Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.